Recent Toy Posts:

Hasbro Selfie Series Cancelled?

Join Jay and special guest host Craig from Toy Anxiety as they cover the latest in toy news. Hasbro may have pulled the plug on the Selfie Series, should they go back to the drawing board to make it better, or let it stay on the shelf? More reveals from the Turtles of Grayskull line were found on the Trap Jaw packaging. And NECA expands their rock star line with Bon Jovi. We'll try to stump Craig and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

NECA’s TMNT Turtle Van Vs. UA’s 3rd Party, Who Wins?

Join Jay as he compares the new NECA TMNT Turtle Van that just started arriving on collectors door steps to the 3rd Party Underground Arsenal version that arrived in the spring of 2022. One is an officially licensed release, so it should be light years better right? Watch this video to find out my opinion on the matter...

Super7’s TMNT Ultimates Comeback?

Join Jay with special guest host Kyle from Super7 as they talk about the latest in toy news! Kyle's TMNT Ultimates line unveiled a new wave with a re-done Rat King that is more faithful to the OG Playmates one. Are Super7 discounts a good thing or a bad thing for their toys? We'll also check in on the status of the GI Joe Cobra Mothership, We'll review some Black Friday Deals and we'll try to stump Kyle. We'll talk about all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

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