Recent Toy Posts:

MOTU Origins Extendar Order LIVE!

Join Jay as he tries to order the latest MOTU Origins Mattel Creations Exclusive! the toy sweats will be heavy as we try to get our hands on an update to a classic vintage figure!

The Mezco/Mafex Effect, What Should Collectors Buy?

Join Jay with special guest Jonathan from Nostalgia Unboxed as they talk about the latest in Toy News! Mezco revealed toon versions of their Popular TMNT figures and Mafez teased pre-orders for a new X-Men rogue. With so many cheaper 6ish inch scale figures out their that are cheaper, are these premium toys the ones to go with? 4 horsemen revealed their latest Figura Obscura that might be their best. And MOTU Origins fans are going to get their chance to buy Extendar. We'll talk about all of that and more tonight on Geek. Dad. Live.

Is Hasbro’s Star Wars Haslab Leak Good or Bad?

Join Jay and Ryan Doell as they talk about the latest in toy news including Hasbro's next Star Wars Haslab getting leaked. McFarlane bringing some Super Powers Dressed in Black. Hasbro put their 1/18th scale Ecto-1 for sale and Mondo reveals and takes orders on their MOTU Sky Sled. We'll talk about all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

Can Hasbro’s Star Wars Bounce Back?

Join Jay and Brick Something as they talk about the latest in toy news! Hasbro had a bunch of reveals and pre-orders for May the 4th. With Mr. Stevie running the ship, can Hasbro get back to the glory years of the 90's, 00's and 10's? Mondo teased a MOTU Sky Sled and McFarlane has more Batman 66 figures! We'll talk about all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

Mondo Goes 6.5 Inches! Ghostbusters & Thundercats Incoming!

Join Jay with special guests Mad Hatter, Craig from YHS and Adam from Highly Articulated as they talk about the latest in Toy News! Mondo made waves this weekend at C2E2 by announcing they're making toys for Thundercats as well as Real Ghostbusters Hasbro gave the Power Rangers license to Playmates Toys will talk about the implications of this move and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

It’s Happening!? Real Ghostbusters Figures From Mondo?!

OMG, This is NOT A DRILL Mondo is doing a Real Ghostbusters toyline. Jay talks about about all it could be! Want to see high res images from Alex Brewer's Concept Art? Click Below:

Recent TV/Film Posts:

Keaton’s Triumphant Return to Batman in The Flash!

Join Jay and Ralph as they talk about Andy Muschietti’s The Flash wich featured the return of Michael Keaton as Batman. Did it live up to expectations? Or was it a disappointment? Watch our live review to find out!