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Super7’s TMNT Ultimates Party Wagon Tease!
Join John and Jay with special guest Chogrin, a fantastic artist who's created some awesome geek culture toys and art, as they talk about the latest in toy news. The lead topic of conversation is Super7's earth shattering tease that one of the most wanted large scale vehicles, the TMNT Party Wagon, will be made for the TMNT Ultimates line. They'll share their latest toy hauls and try to stump John. All of that and more on Toy Geeks!
Unboxing New Netflix He-Man LARGE Scale MOTU figures!
Join Jay as he opens up the Large scale figures from Mattel's He-Man and the Masters of the Universe toy line. The figures based on Netflix's animated series of the same name. This show is a radical departure from previous MOTU shows, but it has quickly gained a lot of new fans. These are the large scale figures that have extra articulation than the regular retail releases. What are these figures like? Are they worth the extra 3 bucks vs. the normal figures? Join us live to find out!
MOTU Origins Wave 6 Unboxing Live!
Join Jay as he unboxes wave 6 of MOTU Origins live! You will get to see, experience and be a part of his immediate thoughts on the latest wave of MOTU Origins figures that includes Stinkor, Webstor, Green Goddess and Lords of Power Beast Man. He'll also open up the new Battlefield Warriors Battle Armor He-Man and Battle Cat 2 pack!
Ghostbusters Afterlife: Final Trailer, Final Predictions!
Join Ralph and Jay as they breakdown the final trailer for Ghostbusters Afterlife and share their final predictions for what they think will happen in the film next week. Neither of them have seen the movie yet and neither have read any spoilers. So if you want to hang out and share your thoughts and theories for what we'll get to see next week? Join in the fun!
Back the Haslab Skystriker! With Dan Larson of Toy Galaxy!
Join John and Jay with special guest Dan Larson from Toy Galaxy as they talk about the latest in toy news especially why you should back the Haslab Skystriker 😉 They'll share their latest toy hauls and try to Stump John.
THE PACK IS BACKED! Haslab Proton Pack crosses 7k Backers!
Join Jay in celebrating the Haslab Proton Pack getting backed in under 10 days from when it first launched! We'll discuss this big news, what the next tier will be and try to help first time Haslab backers in what to expect in this process.