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Does Latest Super Powers Wave Save the Line?

Join Jay and special guest host Ryan Doell as they talk about the latest wave of Super Powers from McFarlane. They're still lacking female representation, but a new Superman sculpt is a turning point in the right direction? Mattel showed off the packaging for their upcoming Modulok figure. Blitzway is re-releasing their 12 inch Ghostbusters figures and Nacelle is making Star Trek figures. We'll talk about all of that and more tonight on Geek Dad Live! Become a Patron at: Http://

Every Hasbro Pulse Con 2024 Reveal!

Join Jay and special guest Ryan Doell as they break down all the reveals from this years Hasbro Pulse Con. The cheaper Target Exclusive Super7 Lion-O is starting to hit shelves and... it doesn't look great... The Mezco Beetlejuice does look wonderful as well as animated Beetlejuice toys are showing up at 5 Below. We'll close things out with David from the MONSTORS crew.

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