Recent Toy Posts:

MOTU Masterverse Revealed! Do We Love or Hate it?

Join John and Jay as they talk about the week in Toy Collecting. Like the reveal of the upcoming MOTU Masterverse line by Mattel. Playmates re-releasing more Retro TMNT figures and Share their latest Toy Hauls all that and more tonight on Toy Geeks! 00:00 Start 04:30 My Grayskull My Buddy Parody 07:10 Our Recent Toy Hauls 23:07 Toy News 23:20 MOTU Masterverse Revealed! 1:09:00 Playmates Re-Releases Movie Star Turtles 1:20:21 ToyOtter's amazing Kenner Style Batman Figures Link to My Grayskull My Buddy Parody Video!

MOTU Origins Castle Grayskull is AMAZING!

We review the fantastic Castle Grayskull from Mattel's Masters of the Universe Origins toyline. In this 4K video review we breakdown the art, design and function of this retro modern playset and essential component to any Masters of the Universe Toyline. We compare it to a vintage example of a Castle Grayskull showing how Mattel upgraded the original while staying true to what made it special!