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Recent Toy Posts:
AWOK Primal Series 2 Wants to Bring Females, Big Bucks and More!
Join Jay with special Guest Jason Bienvenu the creator of Animal Warriors of the Kingdom and head of Spero Toys as they talk about the upcoming Kickstarter for the AWOK Primal Series 2. This series looks to bring 4 new tools to the AWOK lexicon with Female, Reptilian, big Brawlers and new mammals like dogs, rabbits and foxes to the mix. Whats the strategy behind this new Kickstarter and what can fans look forward to in the future? Join live (or on replay) to find out! Landing page for the AWOK kickstarter!
Flippin’ Over Flip-Or, The FIRST Figure of a Toy Flipper!
Join Jay and Special Guest Mad Hatter as they talk about Flip-Or the creation of Mad Hatter and a team of toy tubers, makers and artists that just launched its Kickstarter! Ask your questions about the figure live!
Cool or Nah? Todd McFarlane’s Very Own Action Figure
Join Jay and special guest host Alex aka @Fanplasticfour as they talk about the latest in toy news! Todd McFarlane is celebrating 30 years of Spawn by having his own action figure. Hasbro revealed a new Marvel Legends wave. MEZCO revealed a whole bunch of new toys at their toy fair. Indy toy makers had reveals at Zoloworld con. We'll talk to Alex about his very successful X-Men Rouge figure and we'll try to stump him on accessories from figures that are sold by the very company he works for...
Recent TV/Film Posts:
Mandalorian Season 3 Chapter 21 ‘The Pirate’ Review
Join Jay, Matt and Ralph with special guests Marc and Michael of The Holdo Maneuver as they review the 5th episode of Season 3 of the Mandalorian 'The Pirate'. We had some great cameos as well as some big leaps in the storyline. Join us live as we break them down!