Click here for the Mattel Creations Jurassic World: The Gates Crowdfund.

Main Chart
This chart shows the progress of the campaign each day, goal targets, etc. See below for additional charts!

Jurassic World: The Gate Crowdfund Main Chart
Jurassic World: The Gate Crowdfund Main Chart
Weekly Backer Tracking:
This chart shows the number of backers added each week. It includes the comparison to Eternia’s weekly backer count.
Jurassic World: The Gates Weekly Backer Tracking.
Jurassic World: The Gates Weekly Backer Tracking.
Overall Campaign Progress:
This piece illustrates the overall progress of the crowdfund campaign.
JW: The Gates Overall Campaign Progress
JW: The Gates Overall Campaign Progress
Daily Backer Tracking:
This chart shows the number of backers added each day. It includes a comparison to Eternia’s daily backer count.
JW: The Gate Daily Backer Tracking
JW: The Gate Daily Backer Tracking
Mattel Creations: Campaign Details Comparison:
This is a chart displaying and comparing the various elements of the Jurassic Park Gate and the Eternia projects.
Mattel Creations: Campaign Details Comparison
Mattel Creations: Campaign Details Comparison