Geek. Dad. Links: June 14, 2023

Toy Kennection’s experience at Joefest2023! [Toy Kennections]

Transformers and G.I. Joe launched a new shared comic book universe. [Toy News International]

Director Paul Feig comments on heartfelt Ghostbusters Day story [Ghostbusters News]

Snake Men Infiltrator MOTU Origins Card Art Teases Eternos Palace and Queen Marlena [Toy Habits]

TOYCOLLECTR Issue 6 cover reveal! [ToycollectrMag]

One:12 Collective Void Cadet Gomez and Vortex Strike Suit (MECH) [Toyark]

Hasbro is releasing a 100th anniversary edition of Monopoly. [Toybook]

A couple got married at the Ghostbusters Firehouse. [The Tribeca Trib]

RIP comic book artist John Romita Sr. [@johnromitajr]