Recent Toy Posts:

Prices Go Too Far for Collectors? Mattel & NECA Push Limits

Join Jay and Mad Hatter as they break down the latest in toy news! Mattel and Neca revealed some pricey for what they are items, and with the toy industry shifting in 2024, how long can collectors go along with the high price tags? Mad Hatters very own Kickstarter hit its goals, what other bonus tiers could unlock? We'll talk about all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

AWOK Primal Series 2 Wants to Bring Females, Big Bucks and More!

Join Jay with special Guest Jason Bienvenu the creator of Animal Warriors of the Kingdom and head of Spero Toys as they talk about the upcoming Kickstarter for the AWOK Primal Series 2. This series looks to bring 4 new tools to the AWOK lexicon with Female, Reptilian, big Brawlers and new mammals like dogs, rabbits and foxes to the mix. Whats the strategy behind this new Kickstarter and what can fans look forward to in the future? Join live (or on replay) to find out! Landing page for the AWOK kickstarter!