Toy Tubers Unite! SDCC Panel

Geek. Dad. Life. is headed to San Diego Comic-Con 2023 this week!

Comic-Con will be held July 19 – 23, and Geek. Dad. Life. will be on a panel with fellow Toy YouTubers called “ToyTubers Unite! It will be held on Saturday, July 22 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. in the Neil Morgan Auditorium in the San Diego Central Library. We cannot wait to talk about all of the exclusives and toy news from the ‘Con this year!

Comic-Con is one of the biggest toy and action figure events of the year, with many reveals from toy companies both big and small and featuring the hottest properties. A panel of “Toy Tubers” featuring “Pixel Dan” Eardly (Pixel Dan), Jay Glatfelter (Geek. Dad. Life.), The Mad Hatter (Mad Hatter Reviews), and Craig Goldberg, Abigail Gardner, and Jacob Walsh (Toy Anxiety) break down the biggest toy reveals from this year’s show.

Will you be at SDCC this year? Let us know in the comments! We hope to see you there, whether its around the convention floor, in a panel, at our panel, or at a meet-up that we’re hoping to pull together.