Restoring a Vintage Real Ghostbusters Ecto-1A by Kenner!

We restore a vintage Ecto-1A from Kenner’s The Real Ghostbusters Toyline! We fix, clean and replace stickers and parts to bring this classic Ghostbusters 2 vehicle back to its former glory. Watch for a full restoration of a classic toy car!

Link to Zacparis who sells Ecto 1A replacement stickers:

Link to Flynn’s garage who makes the custom Ecto 1A roofrack and bumper extension:

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Kenner Real Ghostbusters GIANT 2XL Wrapper and Chomper Ghosts by ToySaurus Studios!

We review the latest 2XL versions of the classic wave 1 Real Ghostbusters companion Wrapper and Chomper Ghosts from Kenner’s toyline. Toysaurus Studios ( Has made 5 total 2XL Ghosts and this video concludes our reviews of all of them!

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Hasbro’s Real Ghostbusters Variants! Review of 3 Variants from Kenner Classics’ First Release

We review Hasbro’s 3 different variations of the Real Ghostbusters Kenner Classics cardbacks. From the two US variations and the non US cardback that have been delivered to people that pre-ordered the figures.

If you have any feedback or requests for the show email us at:

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