So What Did YOU Think of Ghostbusters Frozen Empire?

Join Jay and Ralph as they share their thoughts on Ghostbusters Frozen Empire after its Opening Weekend!

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Ghostbusters Afterlife Opening Night Reactions!

Join Ralph and Jay as they share their first reactions to Ghostbusters Afterlife as they see the film on Opening Night!

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Ghostbusters Afterlife: Final Trailer, Final Predictions!

Join Ralph and Jay as they breakdown the final trailer for Ghostbusters Afterlife and share their final predictions for what they think will happen in the film next week. Neither of them have seen the movie yet and neither have read any spoilers. So if you want to hang out and share your thoughts and theories for what we’ll get to see next week? Join in the fun!

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What the Ghostbusters Afterlife International Trailer Revealed!

Join Ralph and Jay as they cover what details were revealed in the International trailer of Ghostbusters afterlife followed by all of the DC goodness coming out of DC Fandome!

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