Toy Hunting! Rare Kenner Ghostbusters, MOTU Origins, Tiger Transformers and more!

#ghostbusters #mastersoftheuniverse #toyhunting
On this episode Jay shares some of his recent acquisitions through online toy hunting like the Masters of the Universe Origins figures, the new Retro Tiger electronics Transformers game from Hasbro Games, and a rare Real Ghostbusters figure that Jay has NEVER owned.

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Toy Hunting! Masters of the Universe Classics, Toxic Crusaders, Centurions and more!

#toyhunting #mastersoftheuniverse #toxiccrusaders
Hitting up the first toy show in the state since the pandemic outbreak, Jay safely toy hunts before the show opens getting some figures on his hunt list.

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Check out Blake’s Toy Chest for vintage toy goodness!

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