Is McFarlane’s $250 Batwing Too Expensive?

Join John and Jay as they break down the latest in toy news like McFarlane unveiling all his The Flash merch, which ended up being Batman merch (should that surprise anyone?) What did surprise people was the $250 price tag on his 7 inch scale Batwing. Some think it’s too expensive others think it’s just right. Walmart had their collector con with some nice GI Joe and Star Wars figs. Super7 unveiled Disney Rescuers figures, and John is going to do his best to avoid being stumped on this episode of Toy Geeks!

Link showcasing all the McFarlane “The Flash” toys, including the Batwing!

Spinmasters Batman err “The Flash” Stuff:

Walmart’s Collector Con:

Super7’s Disney’s The Rescuers Ultimates!

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