Join Jay as he takes a look at the new MOTU Thundercats crossover figures by Mattel that will hit retail shelves in April!
Continue readingMOTU x Thundercats Crossover Looks AMAZING!

Join Jay as he takes a look at the new MOTU Thundercats crossover figures by Mattel that will hit retail shelves in April!
Continue readingJoin Jay and special guest host Ryan Doell as they talk about the latest wave of Super Powers from McFarlane. They’re still lacking female representation, but a new Superman sculpt is a turning point in the right direction? Mattel showed off the packaging for their upcoming Modulok figure. Blitzway is re-releasing their 12 inch Ghostbusters figures and Nacelle is making Star Trek figures. We’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on Geek Dad Live!
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Join Jay and special guest Ryan Doell (Gotham City Tonight, Toy Anxiety) as they talk about the latest in toy news. McFarlane is releasing a bunch of new BTAS DC Direct Figures and a Batwing. Super7 has a new wave of Vac Metal Silverhawks and a pretty cool super cyborg Batmobile. Another toy company is taking a stab at Hottoys level Ghostbusters figures, we’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on Geek. Dad. Life.
Continue readingJoin Jay and special guest host Gary from Wax Nostalgic Network as talk about the latest in toy news! Disney made big waves this past week by offering a Haslab level ship as a D23 exclusive that sold out super fast. With what Disney was able to pull off, should they drop Hasbro? or Should Hasbro drop them?
Continue readingAre you bummed to be missing out on the first night of San Diego Comic Con? Join Jay as he walks the floor of preview night live! Checking out the Mattel, Hasbro, NECA, Super7, Mondo booths and more live streaming the whole thing. I’ll take your comments live to help guide my walkthrough of one of the biggest nights in Geekdom for the year!
Continue readingAre you bummed to be missing out on the first night og San Diego Comic Con? Join Jay as he walks the floor of preview night live! Checking out the Mattel, Hasbro, NECA, Super7, Mondo booths and more live streaming the whole thing. I’ll take your comments live to help guide my walkthrough of one of the biggest nights in Geekdom for the year!
Continue readingJoin Jay with special guests Ryan Doell, Brick Something, Adam from Highly Articulated as they talk about the age old toy collector question. When we want a plastic version of characters from a property we love, should we buy new or vintage versions? McFarlane gets into the crowdfund game, Haulathon is going down and Hasbro had a frustrating Target Exclusive GI Classified go up for pre-order. We’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!
Continue readingJoin Jay and Mad Hatter as they break down the latest in toy news! Mattel and Neca revealed some pricey for what they are items, and with the toy industry shifting in 2024, how long can collectors go along with the high price tags? Mad Hatters very own Kickstarter hit its goals, what other bonus tiers could unlock? We’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!
Continue readingJoin Jay and special guest hosts Ryan Doell and Blake Wright as they talk about the latest in toy news! McFarlane unveiled another wave of Super Powers that brings some fan favorites to the line (even though we’re still lacking in female representation) Blake will unveil the latest cover of Toycollectr. Hasbro showed some new GI Joe, Ghostbusters and dropped a new Haslab. Reveals were to be had at Speilwarenmesse, but from smaller toy companies. We’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on toy geeks!
Continue readingJoin Jay as he walks through the Beast Kingdom booth at the 2024 Speilwarenmesse. They had a lot of prototypes to share ahead of their pre-orders like all the different movie batmen in celebration of the 75th anniversary of Batman. They had some awesome Lord of the Rings and Rick and Morty figures. as well as an awesome hovering BTTF time machine!
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