Is the MOTU Origins He-Ro Worth the Cost of Club Grayskull?

Join Jay as he reviews the first Club Grayskull exclusive MOTU Origins figure He-Ro. We’ve waited 5 years to get him in Origins form but he was placed behind a paywall of 10 bucks. Is the figure good enough to easily swallow the extra nerd tax? Watch my review to find out!

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MOTU Origins Modulok May Be the BEST Origins Figure of 2025!

Join Jay as he reviews the first wave of MOTU Origins Cartoon Collection figures for 2025. This wave includes the Amazon Exclusive Modulok deluxe figure as well as She-Ra, Ram-Man and Mantenna. I haven’t been a huge fan of the Cartoon Line, do these figures change my stance? Watch to find out!

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Does Latest Super Powers Wave Save the Line?

Join Jay and special guest host Ryan Doell as they talk about the latest wave of Super Powers from McFarlane. They’re still lacking female representation, but a new Superman sculpt is a turning point in the right direction? Mattel showed off the packaging for their upcoming Modulok figure. Blitzway is re-releasing their 12 inch Ghostbusters figures and Nacelle is making Star Trek figures. We’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on Geek Dad Live!

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Mattel Unveils MOTU Vintage Collection, What Could This Bring?

Join Jay and special guest host Gary as they talk about the past week in toy news including Mattel revealing a new spin off for their Masterverse toy line their Vintage Collection release of the few years old 40th anniversary SDCC Skeletor figure!

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MOTU Origins Snake Lair Postponed! What Happens Next?

Join Jay and Ryan Doell as they talk about the latest in toy news! Mattel announced that they are going back to the drawing board with the Snake Lair, taking feedback from their survey to see how they can make a playset that the fans want. the Marvel Legends team unveiled wave 2 of their Across the Spiderverse figures and we’ll check in on how the GI Joe Haslab Rattler is doing tonight on Geek. Dad. Live!

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Mattel Surveys Fans on MOTU Snake Lair

Join Jay and special guest Kyle from Super7 as they talk about the latest in toy news. Mattel sent surveys to MOTU fans to get an idea of what they want in the upcoming crowdfunded playset the Snake Lair. Blake will join to reveal the next Toycollectr Magazine cover. Theres a Star Wars vehicle thats a D23 exclusive that Jay desperately wants to get his hands on. We’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on Geek. Dad. Live.

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Every 2024 SDCC Exclusive Breakdown!

Join Jay with special guests Jonathan from Nostalgia Unboxed and Toy Sorceress and Mike from Toy Habits as we break down all the big exclusives that can be found at this years San Diego Comic Con!

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The Mezco/Mafex Effect, What Should Collectors Buy?

Join Jay with special guest Jonathan from Nostalgia Unboxed as they talk about the latest in Toy News! Mezco revealed toon versions of their Popular TMNT figures and Mafez teased pre-orders for a new X-Men rogue. With so many cheaper 6ish inch scale figures out their that are cheaper, are these premium toys the ones to go with? 4 horsemen revealed their latest Figura Obscura that might be their best. And MOTU Origins fans are going to get their chance to buy Extendar. We’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on Geek. Dad. Live.

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Why Playmates Why? TMNT Origins Dead on Arrival?

Join Jay and special guest hosts from Mondo Toys as they talk about the latest in toy news! Pixel Dan was able to get high res images of those remastered TMNT toys that shows overly pock marked skin on all of the turtles. Does this ruin the potential for origins style TMNT figures? Mondo is selling their Deluxe Teela figure and we have our first look at Necro-conda in package. The all adies wave of GI Ultimates from Super7 was canceled. We’ll talk about all of this and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

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MOTU Origins Style TMNT Figures? It’s About TIME!

Join Jay and Ryan Doell as they talk about the latest in toy news! Playmates may inally be giving us Origins Style TMNT figures (even though they are a Walmart exclusive). Mattel Creations is bringing out another exclusive MOTU Origins figure, Sy-Klone. Mattel is also bringing back Street Sharks. Hasbro has new Ghostbusters toys to reveal at power con, and we have new Brian Brink charts, we’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

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