Ghost Rider Haslab, Fears 4 Tiers. Mephisto, Blackheart and Orb??

Join John and Jay as they followup on the lastest Marvel Legends Haslab, The Ghost Rider Engine of Vengeance. Dan Yun confirmed key details for the upcoming tiers for the project. We’ll share our top guesses for the tiers along with all of you! We’ll talk about new pre-orders for super7 and the reveals out of the new toy magazine Toy Collectr all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

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Marvel Legends Haslab Ghost Rider Engine of Vengeance Revealed!

Join John and Jay as they talk about the reveal of the latest Marvel Legends Haslab, The Ghost Rider Engine of Vengeance. A 1:12th scale vehicle with tons of lights and accessories looks amazing, but its $350 price tag may make is not as accessible as previous Haslabs. Where do you side? Is it a Must buy? Or are you Priced out? Join the dicussion Live!

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Haslab HISS Tank at SDCC! Plus O-Rings and Classifieds!

#SDCC #GDL #gijoe Join Jay as he walks through Hasbro’s GI-Joe section of their SDCC booth! He will take an up close look at a painted prototype of the Haslab HISS Tank and it looks AMAZING!!

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CoCo Crazy! Haslab HISS Tank Clears ALL Tiers!

Join John and Jay as they talk about the latest in Toy News like the Haslab Cobra HISS Tank hitting all 4 tiers revealed by Hasbro including the Classic Cobra Commander with Mickey Mouse chest logo. They’ll talk about SDCC toy news like Super7’s Shogun Godzilla offerings and more!

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New GI Joe O-Rings Still Worth It???

Join Jay as he reviews the latest GI Joe O-Ring Revival 2 Pack of the Cobra Trooper and Cobra Officer. While a lot of us are excited that Hasbro is remastering and releasing O-Ring figures again. Their priceyness and exclusivity leave a lot to be desired. Jay left the last set excited to have the figures but weary on the cost, are things better or worse with the next set? Watch to find out!

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3 Tiers Cleared? Haslab HISS Tank Breaks Records!

Join Jay with special guest Ryan Doell from YHS’s Toy Anxiety as they break down the biggest toy news from the past week. The GI Joe team at Hasbro has to be thrilled with the success of their Classified Series HISS Tank. It has nearly blown through all stretch goals within a week while still having over 40 days left to collect orders. What will the last Tier be? Will they add more? Join us live as we break down the results and hypothesize what is to come!

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Haslab Cobra HISS Tank Revealed!!

Join Jay with Ken from Toy Kennections and Ryan Doell from YHS’s Toy Anxiety as they react and breakdown to the first ever GI Joe Classified Series Haslab Project, The Cobra HISS Tank!!

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Is Hasbro + Robosen Optimus Trailer a Buy or a Pass?

Join John and Jay as they talk about the latest in toy news like Hasbro’s big Fan First Tuesday event for the Transformers and Power Rangers toy lines including a fully robotic trailer to go along with their self transforming Optimus Prime. They’ll also talk about Super7 Unveiling their next wave of Silverhawks. We’ll also try to Stump John all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

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GI Joe Classified B.A.T. & Alley Viper Unboxing Live!

Join Jay as he opens some of the latest GI Joe Classified figures: B.A.T. and Alley Viper. These are hitting stores now and will hopefully become more easily available over time. Join in the fun Live as we unbox these two fan favorite characters!

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New GI Joe O-Rings! I Love Them, But They Dont Love Me…

We finally have Hasbro’s new GI Joe O-Ring figures in hand, and they’re great. But some of the choices with the line so far has this collector and parent who buys toys for his kids scratching his head. Join Jay as he takes a look at these great re-releases and hear him out on what he hopes Hasbro will do with the line in the future!

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