MOTU Origins Prince Adam & Sky Sled Review! New Masters of the Universe Figures by Mattel

A review of the Prince Adam and Sky Sled 2 Pack from the new Masters of the Universe Origins toy line by Mattel! We take a in depth (and in 4k) look at He-Man’s alter ego and the front half of the legendary Battle Ram. We compare the Sky Sled and Price Adam to their vintage counterparts and pose them with the other figures like (Skeletor, Teela, Battle Cat and more!)! Be sure to subscribe to catch an action figure review of all the MOTU Origins figures!

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MOTU Origins Evil-Lyn Review! Masters of the Universe Figure by Mattel!

A review of Evil-Lyn from the new Masters of the Universe Origins toy line by Mattel! We take a in depth (and in 4k) look at Skeletors smartest and most powerful ally. We compare the Evil Warrior Goddess to her vintage Evil-Lyn counterpart and posing her with the other Origins figures like He-Man, Skeletor, and Battle Cat! Be sure to subscribe to catch an action figure review of all the MOTU Origins figures!

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Toy Geeks! Ep. 007 “The Hunt for MOTU Origins”

On this episode of Toy Geeks! John and Jay drive across the Middle of North Carolina to find some of the new Masters of the Universe Origins figures by Mattel. Where they successful? Listen to find out!    

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MOTU Origins Man-At-Arms Review! New Masters of the Universe Figure by Mattel!

An action figure review of Man-At-Arms from the new Masters of the Universe Origins toy line by Mattel! We take a in depth (and in 4k) look at the Heroic Master of Weapons. We compare Duncan to a his vintage figure. We also pose him with the Origins He-Man, Beast Man and Skeletor Figures! Be sure to subscribe and click the bell icon to catch our reviews of all the MOTU Origins figures!

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MOTU Origins Beast Man Review! New Masters of the Universe Figure by Mattel!

An action figure review of Beast Man from the new Masters of the Universe Origins toy line by Mattel! We take a in depth (and in 4k) look at Skeletor’s savage henchman. We compare Beast Man to a his vintage figure. We also pose him with the Origins He-Man, and Skeletor Figures! Be sure to subscribe and click the bell icon to catch our reviews of all the MOTU Origins figures!

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MOTU Origins Teela Review! Masters of the Universe Figure by Mattel!

A review of Teela from the new Masters of the Universe Origins toy line by Mattel! We take a in depth (and in 4k) look at He-Man’s friend, the Captain of the Royal Guard, and Heroic Warrior Goddess comparing her to a vintage Teela Figure and posing her with the Origins He-Man, Skeletor, and Battle Cat Figures! Be sure to subscribe to catch an action figure review of all the MOTU Origins figures!

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MOTU Origins He-Man and Skeletor Review! New Masters of the Universe Figures by Mattel!

We review the He-Man and Skeletor figures from Mattel’s Masters of the Universe Origins Series. We compare these figures to the original classics and to last years San Diego Comic Con exclusive Prince Adam and He-Man 2 Pack! Are you excited for MOTU Origins? Because we are!

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Toy Hunting! Rare Kenner Ghostbusters, MOTU Origins, Tiger Transformers and more!

#ghostbusters #mastersoftheuniverse #toyhunting
On this episode Jay shares some of his recent acquisitions through online toy hunting like the Masters of the Universe Origins figures, the new Retro Tiger electronics Transformers game from Hasbro Games, and a rare Real Ghostbusters figure that Jay has NEVER owned.

Contact Jay! at

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