Super7 Cat’s Lair, Nearly There! So Close to Early Bird Key!

Join John and Jay as they talk about the latest in Toy News! The Cat’s Lair is super close to funding AND hitting its Early Bird target. We’ll check in on the Haslab Ghost as well as some of the other news items we missed from SDCC and more!

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Super7 SDCC Booth with Kyle! Cat’s Lair, Silverhawks, TMNT and More!

Join Jay with Kyle from Super7 as he walks us through all of the Super7 SDCC reveals at their booth! We go over all of the big Super7 reveals including the MASSIVE Cat’s Lair, Silverhawks, TMNT, Godzilla and more!

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ToyTubers Unite! Recapping all the Big SDCC Reveals!

Join Jay from Geek.Dad.Life. As he moderates a panel featuring Pixel Dan, Toy Anxiety, Mad Hatter Reviews and Toying Around! We’ll talk about all of the big reveals from this years SDCC! Super7’s Cat’s Lair opened the show as this years Show Stopper, but the Haslab Ghost looked to challenge that on Friday. NECA also brought a giant to the convention, a LARGE scale Android Krang! So many things to discuss on this first ever ToyTubers Unite! Panel!

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Only $650 for Super7’s MASSIVE Thundercats Cat’s Lair?!

Join John and Jay as they break down the latest in Toy News. Bryan Flynn recently confirmed in an interview that the ultimates scale Cat’s Lair will sell for $650 plus a flat rate of $100 for shipping. Coming in MUCH lower than we both expected. Mondo teased their upcoming SDCC exclusive MOTU figure, a laughing Prince Adam. Super7 has started to drop all of their SDCC exclusives, and Mattel is bringing back their 12 days of fandom as they gear up to reveal their con exclusives. McFarlane brought another Batmobile set with an 89 style Keaton bats, but it sold out super fast. We’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

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Is Super7 REALLY Making an Ultimates Thundercats Cat’s Lair?

Join John and Jay as they break down the latest in Toy News! Super7 teased that a new Thundercats Cat’s Lair would be coming soon. The rumor is that it will be an Ultimates scaled version, which is blowing a lot of collectors minds. Are they really going to do that? We’ll check in on the GI Joe Classified Haslab Dragonfly. Animal Warriors of the Kingdom is taking orders on a new wave. It’s the official TMNT Mutant Mayhem toy launch day, we’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on toy geeks!

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Super7 Announces TMNT Animated Series Figures

Super7 just announced a new TMNT figures, inspired by the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series. Check out the picture below. We’ll keep you updated with more information as it comes out. Inspired by the classic TMNT animated series and feature paint schemes and packaging that will round-house kick you right in the nostalgia section […]

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Super7 Teases Conan the Barbarian Wave 5 Release

Super7 Tweeted out a picture teasing a Conan the Barbarian Valeria ULTIMATES figure, saying an official announcement – most likely for Wave 5 figures – would be coming next week. Check it out below: "Do you want to live forever?” #ComingNextWeek — Super7 (@super7store) April 13, 2023

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Super7 Releases Wave 3 of Disney Mickey and Friends Vintage Collection ReAction Figures

Super 7 just released Wave 3 of their Disney Mickey and Friends Vintage Collection ReAction Figures. This new wave is inspired by classic 1930s animation and features Cowboy Mickey, Cowgirl Minnie, Peg-Leg Pete, and Horace Horsecollar. Check out the pictures in the gallery below and head to to purchase yours, including a 4-pack.

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Why the Change for Super7’s TMNT Ultimates?

Join Jay and John as they breakdown the latest in toy news like Super7’s reveal of Wave 10 of TMNT ultimates that has a Rat King that was based off of the Shredders Revenge game and not the Playmates toy. This has fans of the line divided as TMNT Ultimates seems to be headed in a new direction. Playmates revealed more of their TMNT Mutant Mayhem figures and they look like a ton of fun. Neca revealed the first Humans in their Gargoyles line. Dwight from the Marvel Legends team teased what the next Haslab will be. Jay will review a new Animal Warriors of the Animal Kingdom figure from Spero Toys and we’ll try to Stump John. All of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

Link to pictures and preorder links for S7 TMNT Ultimates Wave 10:

Link to ToyShiz’s great walkthrough of Playmates TMNT Mutant Mayhem Display:

Link to pictures of the Gargoyles human Figures:

Link to SperoToys makers of Aninal Warriors of the Kingdom!

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Super7 Releases Image of TMNT’s Rat King

Big day for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys! Super7 just Tweeted out an exclusive image of the Rat King from their TMNT line. Only the one image has been teased so far. We’ll update this post when more information or images become available. Check it out!

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