McFarlane Super Powers Wave 7 Goes Obscure!

Join Jay and special guest hosts Ryan Doell and Blake Wright as they talk about the latest in toy news! McFarlane unveiled another wave of Super Powers that brings some fan favorites to the line (even though we’re still lacking in female representation) Blake will unveil the latest cover of Toycollectr. Hasbro showed some new GI Joe, Ghostbusters and dropped a new Haslab. Reveals were to be had at Speilwarenmesse, but from smaller toy companies. We’ll talk about all of that and more tonight on toy geeks!

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Beast Kingdom Brings New Batman, LOTR, BTTF Rick and Morty and More at 2024 Speilwarenmesse!

Join Jay as he walks through the Beast Kingdom booth at the 2024 Speilwarenmesse. They had a lot of prototypes to share ahead of their pre-orders like all the different movie batmen in celebration of the 75th anniversary of Batman. They had some awesome Lord of the Rings and Rick and Morty figures. as well as an awesome hovering BTTF time machine!

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Talking MOTU Revolution With Orko & Gwildor aka Griffin Newman and Ted Biaselli

Join Jay with special Guests Griffin Newman who plays Orko and Ted Biaselli who plays Gwildor (and is executive producer) on MOTU Revolution the follow up series to MOTU Revelation. This new season was jam packed with awesome Masters of the Universe moments for old and new fans. Join this podcast where you can hear more about what into making this series!

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MOTU Revolution Brings NEW Looks We Need!

Join Jay and special guest host Mega Jay Retro as they talk about the latest in toy news! Masters of the Universe premieres this week and that brings a bunch of new looks and characters we need to see in toy form. We got to see the box art for the Turtles of Grayskull Sla’ker figure and its amazing and full of clues. Mondo is taking orders on their Orko figure this Tuesday and we’ll talk about this jam packed smaller stature figure.

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Super7 Vs. UA Vs. NECA: Who has the BEST TMNT Van?

Join Jay as he pits the 3 major Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Party Wagons in a final showdown for Turtle Van Supremacy!! Who will win? Watch to find out!

Definitely follow @NostalgiaUnboxed to check out his great sticker sets! and of course great toy review content!

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No More Ghostbusters Plasma Series From Hasbro?

Join Jay and special guest host Craig from Yes Have Some and Toy Anxiety as they talk about the future of Ghostbusters Action Figures. Toy retailers are rolling out their merch for Ghostbusters Frozen Empire and the Plasma Series Hasbro’s Collector line for Ghostbusters has nothing. What does this mean for the future of the line and for Ghostbusters toys in general, be a part of the conversation live on Toy Geeks!

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New Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Figures from Hasbro!

Join Jay as he reviews the main figure releases from Hasbro to support Ghostbusters Frozen Empire which comes out in a couple months. These use similar sculpts to what we got for Ghostbusters Afterlife. Are they different enough to warrant purchasing? Watch this review to find out!

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MOTU Revolution Trailer is the BEST Around

Join Jay as he reviews the full MOTU Revolution trailer that dropped today. It is packed with a TON of information and we’re going to dissect ALL of it! We’ll also dig into the amazing poster art by Nate Baertsch!

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Super7 is Making Animated Dungeons and Dragons Figures!

Join Jay as he talks about Super7 making a run at Animated Dungeons and Dragons only a short time after Hasbro made good looking but severly flawed figures that went to clearance. Is this a good idea? Join the discussion live as we look at the first wave and share our thoughts!

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Toys We Hope to Score in 2024!

Join Jay with guest host Mad Hatter Reviews as they share toys they hope to get and hope toy companies make/reveal in 2024. From toy companies like Mattel, Mondo, Hasbro, Super7 and more what can we expect to see in the new year? Join the discussion live!

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