Mattel Creations (Clear) Skeletor, New Grayskull, and More Super7 Turtles!

Join John and Jay as they talk about Mattel Creations and that new clear Art of Engineering Skeletor. They also talk about the surprise reveal and pre-order of MOTU Origins Castle Grayskull. They also talk about the 4th wave of Super7 TMNT Ultimates figures being revealed. All that and more on Toy Geeks!

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Toy Geeks! Ep. 017 “Crystal Pepsi Skeletor”

Join John and Jay as they talk about Mattel Creations and that new clear Art of Engineering Skeletor. They also talk about the surprise reveal and pre-order of MOTU Origins Castle Grayskull. They also talk about the 4th wave of Super7 TMNT Ultimates figures being revealed. All that and more on Toy Geeks!

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MOTU Origins Castle Grayskull REVEALED!! New for Spring 2021!

It’s Official!! We’re getting a Castle Grayskull for Mattel’s Masters of the Universe Origins line! We breakdown all the details that dropped today from the MOTU Origins team!

Here is the link to pre-order now on!:

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Toy Geeks! Interview Scott Neitlich aka ToyGuru! MOTU Classics, Ghostbusters Origins and more!

Geek. Dad. Life. Presents: Toy Geeks! Join John and Jay as they invite their first special guest onto the show, toy industry legend Scott Neitlich, otherwise known as Toy Guru! He was the catalyst that started the forefather to sites like Hasbro Pulse. He managed and led the creative team behind one of the most successful adult collector lines, Masters of the Universe Classics. He led the creation of the FIRST action figure line dedicated to the Ghostbusters films. He also led the most diverse and expansive DC action figure line in toy history. This list could go on and on, but we suggest tuning into this live QA to hear the stories and thoughts of this icon of toy collecting!

Link to Scott’s Youtube Channel!

Link to Scott’s Website!

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Toy Geeks! Ep 015: “Hasbro Pulse Con 2020 Day 2 Recap!”

Join John and Jay as they Recap all the news and reveals from Day 2 of Hasbro’s first ever Pulse Con! this day will feature updates to Ghostbusters including New Kenner Classics and Plasma Series. It will also feature updates on GI Joe including the new Classified Series and Snake Eyes movie. New Transformers as […]

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Hasbro Pulse Con 2020 Day 2 Recap! Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Transformers & Power Rangers!

Join John and Jay as they Recap all the news and reveals from Day 2 of Hasbro’s first ever Pulse Con! this day will feature updates to Ghostbusters including New Kenner Classics and Plasma Series. It will also feature updates on GI Joe including the new Classified Series and Snake Eyes movie. New Transformers as well as updates on their Power Rangers offerings. Join the fun live on September 26th at 9pm Eastern!

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Toy Geeks! Ep. 013 “Pulse Con Predictions!”

Join John and Jay as they share what they think Hasbro is going to reveal at next weekends Hasbro Pulse Con! They also share some news and leaks that happened this past week with the Masters of the Universe (MOTU) Origins line and they share their latest Toy Hauls. All that and more on this […]

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Hasbro Pulse Con 2020 Pre-Show Predictions!

Join John and Jay as they share what they think Hasbro is going to reveal at next weekends Hasbro Pulse Con! They also share some news and leaks that happened this past week with the Masters of the Universe (MOTU) Origins line and they share their latest Toy Hauls. All that and more on this weeks Toy Geeks!

Click timestamp to be taken right to a specific topic in this episode!

00:00 Start
04:10 Recent Toy Hauls
19:46 Pulse Con Updates/Discussion
28:48 Star Wars Predictions
41:30 Marvel Predictions
46:56 GI Joe Predictions
51:46 Transformers Predictions
55:20 Ghostbusters Predicitons
01:04:51 Power Rangers Predictions
01:12:00 MOTU Leaks!
01:22:00 Toy Geeks! News!

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MOTU Origins Scareglow Review! Masters of the Universe Figure by Mattel!

A review of Scare Glow from the new Masters of the Universe Origins toy line by Mattel! We take a in depth (and in 4k) look at The Ghost of Skeletor comparing him to a vintage Scare Glow Figure and posing him with the Origins He-Man, Skeletor, and Battle Cat Figures! Be sure to subscribe to catch an action figure review of all the MOTU Origins figures!

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Power-Con: Live Post-Con Recap with Toy Geeks!

Join John and Jay in a live Post-Convention Recap after the last MOTU panel at this years virtual Power-Con. The hosts of the action figure enthusiast podcast “Toy Geeks! ” will share their thoughts on all the Masters of the Universe reveals from the biggest yearly event for MOTU fans!

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