Ghost Rider Haslab, Fears 4 Tiers. Mephisto, Blackheart and Orb??

Join John and Jay as they followup on the lastest Marvel Legends Haslab, The Ghost Rider Engine of Vengeance. Dan Yun confirmed key details for the upcoming tiers for the project. We’ll share our top guesses for the tiers along with all of you! We’ll talk about new pre-orders for super7 and the reveals out of the new toy magazine Toy Collectr all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

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Marvel Legends Haslab Ghost Rider Engine of Vengeance Revealed!

Join John and Jay as they talk about the reveal of the latest Marvel Legends Haslab, The Ghost Rider Engine of Vengeance. A 1:12th scale vehicle with tons of lights and accessories looks amazing, but its $350 price tag may make is not as accessible as previous Haslabs. Where do you side? Is it a Must buy? Or are you Priced out? Join the dicussion Live!

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McFarlane Keaton ’89 Batmobile Finally?!

Join Jay and Ryan Doell as they talk about the week in toy news. Toys for the Flash movie may finally be hitting shelves as SKU’s show up for among other things an 80 dollar Keaton Batmobile. Will it be a 7inch scale vehicle?? Will it be worth the premium Cost? Targets Fall Geek Out Continues as NECA’s offerings hit shelves and show up online. What will Mattel and Hasbro bring with their slots? Ryan Doell wants to play stump john, how will he fair?

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MOTU Origins Snake Men Wave First Look, FINALLY!

Join Jay and John as they talk about the latest in toy news, like the in package pics and art for the Rise of Snake Men wave being revealed. We’ll also talk about the latest wave of TMNT Ultimates for Super7 being revealed. We’ll close the book on the Hiss Tank Haslab with its final numbers. We’ll try and Stump John, all of that and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

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Powercon 2022 Recap! MOTU and More!

Join Jay and John as they discuss the last week in toy news leading off with a recap of the news coming out of Power-Con. The first without Mattel being involved. They’ll talk about the MOTUesday reveal, Preview Hasbro’s upcoming Marvel Haslab live stream and more tonight on Toy Geeks!

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What’s Next for Haslab? Marvel Legends Ghost Rider?

Join Jay and John as they talk about what is next for Hasbro’s Haslab as they tease a Marvel Legends drop with a 50th Anniversary Ghost Rider logo. They’ll round up on what’s next for the Hiss Tank as it has plateaued on backers, will they add one more tier? And the Reva Lightsaber didn’t make it, with 2 strikes in a row can the Hasbro Star Wars team avoid striking out?

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Hasbro’s SDCC 2022 Booth Walkthrough!

Join Jay as he walks through the Hasbro Booth at San Diego Comic Con! From GI Joe Classifieds to Transformers to Star Wars to Marvel so much was packed into their booth and Jay shows it all!

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Haslab HISS Tank at SDCC! Plus O-Rings and Classifieds!

#SDCC #GDL #gijoe Join Jay as he walks through Hasbro’s GI-Joe section of their SDCC booth! He will take an up close look at a painted prototype of the Haslab HISS Tank and it looks AMAZING!!

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MOTU Origins Roton Fixes Flaws of the Original!

Join Jay as he opens up the new Roton from the Masters of the Universe Origins toyline by Mattel! The Original Roton is iconic but it was not without its flaws. Does this new Roton fix those issues? Watch this video to find out!

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CoCo Crazy! Haslab HISS Tank Clears ALL Tiers!

Join John and Jay as they talk about the latest in Toy News like the Haslab Cobra HISS Tank hitting all 4 tiers revealed by Hasbro including the Classic Cobra Commander with Mickey Mouse chest logo. They’ll talk about SDCC toy news like Super7’s Shogun Godzilla offerings and more!

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